World Environment Day: 108 Brasserie
Q&A with Executive Head Chef, Simon Conboy
Tell us about being a Chef at 108 Brasserie?
Being a chef at 108 is exciting, it can also be challenging but very rewarding. It's great to feel the buzz of the local area and work hand in hand with local businesses.
Tell us about your sustainability practices?
We do not use single-use plastics in the kitchen, for example, takeaway containers are made from recycled cardboard, and all cardboard used in the kitchen is recycled.
It's also a priority for us that our fish suppliers are registered with the marine stewardship council to ensure all the fish we use is from sustainable sources. We also follow simple practices like switching off lights.
What steps are you taking to minimise your impact on the environment?
I like to do simple things like using public transport, walking where possible, recycling and using a bike.
What do you think are the main challenges for sustainability right now?
I think the main challenge is the re-education needed for people so that we are not a throwaway society.
Who inspires you to be more sustainable?
I think we should look up to people like Testsuya Wakuda who have long been a champion of using sustainable produce.